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A transition is in the air. - FOGBUSTER® Coffee

A transition is in the air.

We've had a busy summer and are a bit amazed at just how quickly the days flew by. It seems only yesterday we were welcoming the warm weather and preparing for the first company barbeque; now the first nips of colder fall air, have started to find us. Our thoughts are moving toward harvest time and fall favorites, but we are holding onto whatever last moments of the summer sun that we can.

With those thoughts in mind we began to ask ourselves "what can we drink that might have a feeling of warmth and sunshine hidden within?" After a bit of conversation, great suggestions and best of all sampling various brews; we landed on the perfect option!

We landed on a air roasted mug filler, that has heavenly notes of chocolate when roasted. A bag that boasts not only a green label speaking to it's tropical origins, but also a roast that when brewed and consumed is bursting with hidden citrus notes, floral accents and just a hint of nuttiness. A brew with subtle but incredible vigor, a brew with a towering caffeine boost yet is velvety smooth and extremely clean on the palate.

The offering we are currently enjoying and excited to tell you about, could really only come from one place. It could really only be this specific region that contains all of the deep rainforest like essence, to keep those feeling of the green, warm abundance of the summer months.

We are of course talking about Colombia, and the magically brilliant, hand picked, coffee cherries, that our farmer partners have so pains-takingly grown. The brew we are talking about is one of our most well loved Single Origin Coffees called: Lost Emerald City

We invite you to revisit or try this amazing offering for yourself. We also invite you to find a space and time to catch your breath, to breathe in all that has been, as you picture all that will be, but for that moment, simply be where you are and hopefully accept what a lucky place that is.

To you we raise or mugs, tip our hats and thank you for the support and loyalty that makes this all possible. Until the next encounter, this one's for you. Cheers!

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